Our Board
RCAA Board of Directors
Redwood Community Action Agency policies and overall direction are determined by a tripartite Board of Directors. The Board members are representatives of low-income Humboldt County residents, the public sector, and the private sector. The Board conducts much of its business through two regular committees, which are not open to the public:
Executive Committee, meets monthly
Finance Committee, meets quarterly
The Board usually meets on the third Thursday of every month at 5:30 p.m. The meetings are either held at: Redwood Community Action Agency, 904 G Street, Eureka or online via ZOOM. Board meetings are open to the public and all community members are encouraged to attend. Call ahead (707) 269-2001 for exact meeting date, location, and Zoom link.
Private Sector Representatives
Marlene Jurkovich, Board Treasurer
Sondra Schaub
Mollie Smith
Public Sector Representatives
Zuretti Goosby, Board President
Angelica Shahbal-Matias
Joycelyn Tipple
Low Income Sector Representatives
Marilee Haught